The journey of perfecting the art of Bread and Burek started in 1965 when Hasan Duraj pioneered the way for Burek makers in the capital city of Kosovo, Prishtina. He would go on to teach his sons his skills in hopes of one day creating the most delicious Burek in all the land. Little did he know, his second son Shaqir would move to Canada and continue his fathers legacy in a very big way. European Bakery and Deli was born on March 15, 2006. Shaqir and Lume worked tirelessly for years starting the business from the ground up. They introduced Calgary to some of the most delicious bread, pastries, and Burek and took the red mile by storm. The rest is history...

Picture above is from a news article from a New Brunswick newspaper in 1999. Lume and Shaqir making Burek for all the Kosovar refugees in the camp. On this day they fed 1,200 people.
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